Logos are meant to communicate a company's message to the public quickly and easily. Logos can make or break a company. It doesn’t matter how good the company is, if the public doesn’t get it and it doesn’t hold their attention it will be forgotten about. Color, positioning, subliminal messaging, text and more must be thought about and used effectively.
The Tostitos logo is effective for many reasons, one being its color scheme. Classic black to fill in the bold letters is strong, while the red and yellow add playfulness. Tostitos is a chip/salsa/cheese company and salsa is red, and cheese is yellowish hence why the red and yellow is fitting. The cool part about this logo is the “tit” in Tostitos. The two t’s have tiny dots above them to mimic heads, making the whole t look like a person. In between these two “people” is the i which cleverly has a red dot instead of l=black. The red dot looks like a bowl of salsa, and the two t shaped people are jointly holding a chip above the bowl. This is fun and gives people a sense of sharing and gathering when thinking of the company. It strongly gives the message of sharing a bowl of salsa with friends and having a good time.
The subway logo clearly has two arrows one exiting the s and the other exiting the y. These arrows are counter intuitive to the name. Everyone knows that the subway is a form of transportation and the tracks run one way to the other and the logo embodies that. Although it is a fast food place it is still fitting because it gives off the message of coming and going. Customers can come in and out quickly. It represents a stop, like an actual subway stop, people stop here to eat. Yellow is bright and represents optimism while green reads healthy.
The at&t logo is a globe like figure with blue and white. There are more than one version of logo the only difference being the colors alternated. The globe is a strong representation for this company because it represents that they are a global company and have locations everywhere. The lines going across have balance one side thicker leading into the other which is thinner, these lines with varying thickness balance eachother out. The lines also show connections and for a cell phone company connection is key. Overall the logo is balanced due to it being upright.
The Best Buy logo is minimal and in your face. The text is bulky and bold and in all caps. The text isn't crazy fancy it is simple and big. The text is surrounded by a yellow tag. The tag goes along with the name, Best Buy. The tag represents good deals, which is what they're trying to promote. Yellow also stands out as a logo color. The logo being so minimalistic works well with the company because their message is simple. They have the best buy, period, nothing else to it, nothing else to complicate the message, so having a clean straightforward logo further enhances this message.
The goodwill logo is all lowercase which could be confusing to some when it comes to logos. The top portion of the logo shows half of a white smiley face, and the g in goodwill at the bottom mimics the smiley. Now it is easy to see that the top part is also a g and a smiley like the bottom. The goodwill is based on giving and donations, which make people feel good after giving and helping out. The smiley is innocent looking thus coming off pure.
These logos are just a few examples of good representation. It isn’t just about the logo being aesthetically pleasing, it also has to represent the company and their product and what they stand for. These five logos expressed their company and services effectively through design.